Sacred Listening Podcast

A revolution to reclaim what self-care is uniquely for us by listening IN to our inner wisdom. It’s not about the glamor, the red light therapy, or the 10 kinds of supplements. It’s simple, daily, nurturing acts of self-love to help balance depletion and stress.

Listen IN to personal stories, expert interviews, and guided practices as we reclaim self-agency over our health and wellbeing.

Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Ep 17: Self-care for perimenopause

How often do we feel that we are not in control when it comes to our hormonal health, and that we are unfortunate victims when it comes to menstruation and menopause? In this episode, I speak with Yvette Racines, founder of Vital Living Wellness, an Ayurveda inspired bodycare brand, on simple self-care and self-nurture practices that can aid us throughout our hormonal transitions, especially the transition into menopause. 


Listen IN to our conversation on self-care principles based in Ayurveda for a more easeful perimenopausal period. Even if you are not yet in that stage in your life, or past that, Yvette's tips are timeless and foundational for all, even non-menstruating folks.

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