Sacred Listening Podcast

A revolution to reclaim what self-care is uniquely for us by listening IN to our inner wisdom. It’s not about the glamor, the red light therapy, or the 10 kinds of supplements. It’s simple, daily, nurturing acts of self-love to help balance depletion and stress.

Listen IN to personal stories, expert interviews, and guided practices as we reclaim self-agency over our health and wellbeing.

Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Ep 10: Guided contemplation and journaling for setting compassionate boundaries

Every event and/or interaction that feels triggering to you can be an opportunity for further self-reflection and self-healing. This guided contemplation and journaling practice takes you through a compassionate exploration into your more reactive moments in certain events and/or interactions with people. While holding this compassionate space for yourself, reflect upon how you can communicate to set healthy, compassionate boundaries.

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Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Ep 9: Mental self-care and redefining “setting boundaries” with Irene Oyang

Can "setting boundaries" with other people be yet another form of finger-pointing rather than turning the mirror back to ourselves?

How do we know whether we are trying to avoid a healing opportunity (which can be messy and painful) by "setting boundaries?"

Listen in to this week's {potentially} controversial topic with my very dear sister Irene as my guest.

We speak about:

  • How we can miss out on healing opportunities and bypass deeper self-work when we are too quick to set boundaries with people who trigger us

  • Recognizing good stress, and balancing stress with rest for better personal growth, healing, and development

  • The need for everyone to reinvestigate our old emotional wounds rather than never ripping off the Band-aids

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