Sacred Listening Podcast

A revolution to reclaim what self-care is uniquely for us by listening IN to our inner wisdom. It’s not about the glamor, the red light therapy, or the 10 kinds of supplements. It’s simple, daily, nurturing acts of self-love to help balance depletion and stress.

Listen IN to personal stories, expert interviews, and guided practices as we reclaim self-agency over our health and wellbeing.

Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Ep 11: Prioritize your days better with this simple trick

Have you ever sat yourself down on the couch at the end of the day, feeling completely exhausted from a busy day, and yet, you couldn't quite remember exactly what you did? This is because we often fill our days somewhat mindlessly with busy activities that feel urgent (but may not be so important), and by the end of it all, you still didn't complete what you set out to do that day. And forget about personal down time!

In this episode, discover a simple experiment that can help you reprioritize your days so that you can include your self-care, family time, work, hobbies, and other activities without having to choose. This experiment is inspired by Stephen Covey, author of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People."

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