Spinal Release Yoga (SRY)...

...is a restorative-style yoga taught by Kaya Mindlin. It comprises of strategic poses and sequencing that specifically helps resolves deep-seated spinal tension and tightness. As these tensions resolve, we are ultimately peeling away layers of emotional protections that we have put up as a result of our upbringing, conditioning, and traumas. 

It’s aim is to release and decompress deep spinal muscle tension that contributes to symptoms such as:

  • Low back pain

  • SI joint dysfunction

  • Sciatica

  • Chronic hip tension

  • Spinal disc injuries

  • Pelvic floor issues

  • Digestive issues

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Menstrual issues

  • Low energy and fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Upperback, neck and shoulder tensions

Unlike other styles of yoga, SRY does not aim to particularly stretch or strengthen muscles. Instead, it is a practice of surrender and letting go, so that the deep muscles of the joints and bones can release their grips to free up your body’s energy and to give you more sense of ease. Muscles are meant to give you movement, but when your muscles are so bound and tight, their uses and energy are not directed efficiently or effectively. By releasing these deep muscles, you free up their potential energy to give you more freedom and vitality throughout your body.

What to expect

With SRY, you move through a series of 4-7 poses in a session (usually supine and/or seated) that decompresses your pelvis, lower spine, upper spine and ribcage respectively. The ultimate effect of a consistent and long-term SRY practice is to allow your body to let go of its tension due to long-term accumulated stress, so that you can open up space and opportunity for the body to return to its baseline for healing.

  • Restorative and supportive

    Slow, introspective, and methodical


    Slow medicine


    A surrendering and letting go program

    Helps return the body to its resilient state

    A practice to increase vitality, joy, and creativity

    A practice to resolve the busy mind

    Sustainable in resolving pain, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, insomnia


  • A workout to achieve a certain aesthetics

    An athletic endeavor


    Deep stretching into joints and/or ligaments

    Concerned with strength and flexibility

    Striving, pushing, achieving

    Technical and bio-mechanical

    Vinyasa/Flow that is fitness-based

    A quick fix

That is not to say that you cannot practice other styles of more “active” or “strengthening” types of yoga with SRY. The effects of SRY is that it helps you release tight, bound-up muscles (read: its healthy state) so that you can retrain your muscles to work healthily and properly (without always staying in the tensed position). Once an individual is able to allow his/her muscles to find equilibrium (relaxed) state, then he/she can proceed to strengthening poses of SRY to slowly build strength in healthy ways.

How do you know if your deep spinal muscles are tight?

There is usually a sense of DEEP achiness, soreness, tightness, and tension that some movements, stretching, massage, chiropractic work, and acupuncture can only temporarily relieve. Even with stretching, it doesn’t feel like you are able to target the tightness.

Deep spinal muscle tension can also show up as overall restlessness in the body, as these muscles are trying to find ways to release themselves.

If you feel an inexplicable sense of fatigue, despite getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising as suggested, it can be that your deep muscles are too tight and tense to support your other daily movements.

  • Constantly depleted and fatigued from chronic pain or illness

    Easily overwhelmed and stressed out

    Victims of the “hustle culture” but cannot get off the hamster wheel

    Living with chronic pain, digestive issues, and/or autoimmune disorder symptoms, and/or a deep tension physically and/or mentally

    Unable to relax

    In need of nurture, nourishment, and rejuvenation

    Unable to shut off at night and rest in sleep

    Too tired to continue but afraid to stop

  • Have a gift you want to share with the world, but your current fatigue and pain is inhibiting you

    Are highly ambitious, self-driven, and goal-oriented, and not ready to give up yet

    Are ready to commit to up-level your life that is beyond your pain and fatigue

    Believe in a multi-dimensional and sustainable approach to health and well-being {this is not a one magic pill fix!}

    Want to create a lifestyle and self-care regime that aligns with who you are

    Are ready to love yourself, inside and out