The importance of self-nurture for anxiety, stress, and depletion
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

The importance of self-nurture for anxiety, stress, and depletion

We hustle to get these things done, every day, 7 days a week, only to crash into burnout, depletion, stress, and anxiety. Or perhaps our body pulls the emergency brakes to force us to stop (since we aren’t voluntarily stopping and resting) by throwing out our back, giving us the flu, flaring up pain, and aggravating other physical or mental symptoms of an imbalanced lifestyle. We might rest, or be forced to rest, for a day or two, then we’d get up and try to make up for lost time, which would start the entire cycle of hustle + crash all over again.

With the demands of our modern world, we have lost any sort of self-agency over our own body and life. We are allowing others to steer our chariot rather than us taking the reins.

It is no wonder many of us live in a perpetual weight of anxiety and depletion, barely surviving rather than thriving.

This is why I focus my work on establishing self-nurture rituals with my clients. In the paragraphs below, I’m sharing more about what self-nurture is, and how you can get started on your own self-nurture journey to reclaim a life with more ease and vitality.

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How to create a self-care ritual that you will actually stick to
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

How to create a self-care ritual that you will actually stick to

If you, like most women, wear multiple hats, give away your time, and try to do it all with absolute perfection, you might find that your wellbeing takes the very back seat after everyone else’s.

Perhaps, you have tried to do that “self-care” thing that seems so popular nowadays. You created a plan, bought that journal, splurged on the bath oil, and tried meditating with the expensive meditation cushion you bought…for two days…before an unexpected swerve uprooted you yet again from your Instagram-worthy self-care plan.

In this article, I break it down for you step-by-step to create your very own fail-proof self-care plan.

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How to afford self-care
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

How to afford self-care

You work hard so that you can afford self care...whether with time or money.

But that time you CRAVE for self-care never seems to materialize.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize self-care is not something you buy or wait until you have time for.

It’s a way of life.

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