Does your back hurt when you bend forward? Try these 4 poses for relief!

You know your lower back pain is interfering with your life when you can’t even pick up something from the floor or tie your shoe lace without fear of your back seizing up (or perhaps it’s happened already before!).

Read on and watch this short video to learn these 4 yoga techniques for managing mild lower back pain that is aggravated when you bend forward.

If your lower back aches when you bend forward, this is an indication that there is repetitive and/or continued stress on the local site through your daily activities. For most people, the sedentary act of sitting with the spine slumped downwards can create this type of stress. Other activities that can cause stress in the lower back are other positions that require the lower spine to round, such as:

  • Bending over a sink to wash dishes for extended or repetitive periods of time

  • Bending down to pick up heavy objects or small children repeatedly

  • Slightly bending forward to mow the lawn

  • Sitting for long hours in a car that causes the lower spine to round

  • Gardening

Can you think of other activities you do in your daily life that requires your lower back to round, thus creating potential stress in that area?

In the video above, I briefly highlighted four therapeutic yoga poses you can do daily to help alleviate mild tension in the lower back if you have trouble bending forward. All of these are focused on releasing tension first, before we jump too fast into strengthening the core.


This is a gentle movement to warm up the lower spine in particular and can gently massage tense areas through the lower back.

On an inhale, gently arch your lower spine so that there is a curve and space between your lower back and the floor. As you exhale, relax and return to a neutral position. Repeat 6-8x.


This movement continues to massage and liberate any tense muscles that are stubbornly gripping in the lower back.

Bring your knees in to your chest, preferably one at a time so you don’t overload your lower back by pulling both of your knees in to your body at the same time. Hold onto your knees with both hands. Relax your legs and hips. Use your arms to slowly guide your knees in circles, as if you are “stirring” your knees into your hips. You should feel a nice, massage-like effect in your lower back and hips. Repeat about 6-8 rounds in one direction, then reverse the direction of the circle. Breathe naturally.


This pose helps relieve strain from the lower back by gently bringing your lower spine into a slightly arched position.

Start on your back with your knees bent, and your feet on the floor. Use a soft yoga block (or a firm pillow/cushion), and place it below your hips. Make sure the block/cushion is not pressing into your lower back; it should be directly on your sacrum, the bony flat part just above the fleshy part of your buttocks, as you rest your hips down. Rest your arms by your side, with your palms facing upwards. Gently engage your abs by drawing your belly button in to your spine at about 20% effort (not squeezing!). Relax the rest of your body, especially through your neck, jaw, and shoulders. Stay for 8-10 breaths.

To come out, remove the block, lower your hips down to the floor, and rest for a few breaths.


Since this pose brings the spine into a gentle arch, it reverses the tension in the lower back that is accumulated as a result of strained, rounded positions.

Start on your hands and knees and keep your elbows straight. As you inhale, allow your belly to drop slowly towards the floor, lift your chest, and gaze ahead. As you exhale, return to neutral position and gently draw your abs in. Repeat 6-8x.

More resources

You can explore more tailored therapeutic practices like these inside my Sacred Nurture Video Library, a curated on-demand streaming library to help you elevate from depletion, stress, and chronic pain. This library is mobile-friendly and searchable according to length of practice, specific tailored body areas, and benefits. I invite you to try it out!

And if you’re specifically looking for lower back care, then consider my mini course: 3-Step Strategy For Resolving Lower Back Pain. This mini bundle includes 3 video practices that takes you through the 3-step strategy I use with all of my private clients to resolve their lower back pain with success.


Does your back hurt when you lean backwards or reach upwards? Try these 4 poses for relief!


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