What does tension in our tailbone tell us?
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

What does tension in our tailbone tell us?

The tension we feel in our body oftentimes can be mapped to certain traumas, past stressors, and repressed memories and emotions that have become "stuck" in our systems. Tailbones are usually gripped and contracted when we are faced with fear and uncertainties. If you regularly feel pain, discomfort, tension, and tightness around your tailbone and lower back, I invite you to watch this video to find out more about how these sensations might correlate to certain stressful events you've experienced in the past.

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Does your back hurt when you bend forward? Try these 4 poses for relief!
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Does your back hurt when you bend forward? Try these 4 poses for relief!

You know your back pain is interfering with your life when you can’t even pick up something from the floor or tie your shoe lace without fear of your back seizing up (or perhaps it’s happened already before!).

Read on and watch this short video to learn these 4 yoga techniques for managing mild lower back pain that is aggravated when you bend forward.

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